Bug#270195: gnome-applets: battstat-applet doesn't close sockets

Erich Schubert Erich Schubert <erich@debian.org>, 270195@bugs.debian.org
Fri, 26 Nov 2004 01:06:36 +0100

tag 270195 -experimental


> Does it still occur in 2.8 (in experimental) ?

It still occurs in (unstable). You can easily reproduce it
yourself: run acpid, start your battstat applet, terminate acpid.
Then get the pid of the applet and do
ls -l /proc/5919/fd | wc -l
within a few seconds, the count rose from 36 to 192.

On a side note, please verify that the mailcheck applet does fetch mail.
AFAIC it does not run my "before checking mail run ..." program
(which is offlineimap, which works fine when run from command line)
This stopped working since the latest upgrade, so it worked just fine at
least in 2.8.1-something from experimental.

Erich Schubert
   erich@(vitavonni.de|debian.org)    --    GPG Key ID: 4B3A135C    (o_
    Go away or i'll replace you with a very small shell script.     //\
   Unter Freunden ist guter Rat nicht teuer, aber wie alles, was    V_/_
       nichts kostet, nur wenig gefragt. --- Robert Muthmann