Bug#207730: Text tends to turn into black boxes
Loïc Minier
Loïc Minier ,
Thu, 14 Oct 2004 16:39:51 +0200
retitle 207730 Text tends to turn into black boxes with Matrox G4xx
reassign 207730 xserver-xfree86
Daniel Burrows <dnb114@psu.edu> - Fri, Aug 29, 2003:
> I'm using xserver-xfree86 with a Matrix G400 card.
I think this is really X related, 3 reporters are using a Matrox G400
(Daniel Burrows, Benjamin FRANCOIS, and Stephen Ryan), and Jan Gorski
has a G450!
Could any of you confirm the bug is still there with current
xfree/gtk/...? If this is fixed, the bug should be closed.
Loïc Minier <lool@dooz.org>