Bug#269429: marked as done (sound volume key shortcuts crash
Debian Bug Tracking System
Fri, 15 Oct 2004 14:48:17 -0700
Your message dated Fri, 15 Oct 2004 17:32:06 -0400
with message-id <E1CIZgE-0002P3-00@newraff.debian.org>
and subject line Bug#269429: fixed in control-center 1:2.6.1-13
has caused the attached Bug report to be marked as done.
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If this is not the case it is now your responsibility to reopen the
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Debian bug tracking system administrator
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Received: (at submit) by bugs.debian.org; 1 Sep 2004 13:59:11 +0000
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Wed, 1 Sep 2004 16:00:24 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: sound volume key shortcuts crash gnome-settings-daemon
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From: "Kotrla Vitezslav" <kotrla@ceb.cz>
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Package: gnome-control-center
Version: 2.6.1-12
Set any key shortcuts you like for volume up, volume down or mute, pressi=
ng any
of the keys crashes gnome-settings-daemon (not trace in logs, but its pid=
increasing). External behavior: Nautilus loses current theme (switches to
something 'default'), icons are lost, after a few moments theme and icons=
restored (when g-s-d is up and running again?).
Reported also upstream, see http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3D1=
I'm using Debian/unstable, control-center is 2.6.1-12.
Vitezslav Kotrla
Received: (at 269429-close) by bugs.debian.org; 15 Oct 2004 21:38:04 +0000
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From: Arnaud Patard <arnaud.patard@rtp-net.org>
To: 269429-close@bugs.debian.org
X-Katie: $Revision: 1.51 $
Subject: Bug#269429: fixed in control-center 1:2.6.1-13
Message-Id: <E1CIZgE-0002P3-00@newraff.debian.org>
Sender: Archive Administrator <katie@ftp-master.debian.org>
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2004 17:32:06 -0400
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autolearn=no version=2.60-bugs.debian.org_2004_03_25
X-CrossAssassin-Score: 2
Source: control-center
Source-Version: 1:2.6.1-13
We believe that the bug you reported is fixed in the latest version of
control-center, which is due to be installed in the Debian FTP archive:
to pool/main/c/control-center/capplets-data_2.6.1-13_all.deb
to pool/main/c/control-center/capplets_2.6.1-13_i386.deb
to pool/main/c/control-center/control-center_2.6.1-13.diff.gz
to pool/main/c/control-center/control-center_2.6.1-13.dsc
to pool/main/c/control-center/gnome-control-center_2.6.1-13_i386.deb
A summary of the changes between this version and the previous one is
Thank you for reporting the bug, which will now be closed. If you
have further comments please address them to 269429@bugs.debian.org,
and the maintainer will reopen the bug report if appropriate.
Debian distribution maintenance software
Arnaud Patard <arnaud.patard@rtp-net.org> (supplier of updated control-center package)
(This message was generated automatically at their request; if you
believe that there is a problem with it please contact the archive
administrators by mailing ftpmaster@debian.org)
Hash: SHA1
Format: 1.7
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2004 13:49:27 +0200
Source: control-center
Binary: capplets gnome-control-center capplets-data
Architecture: source all i386
Version: 1:2.6.1-13
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Arnaud Patard <arnaud.patard@rtp-net.org>
Changed-By: Arnaud Patard <arnaud.patard@rtp-net.org>
capplets - configuration applets for GNOME 2 - binaries files
capplets-data - configuration applets for GNOME 2 - data files
gnome-control-center - The GNOME Control Center for GNOME 2
Closes: 265882 269429 272358 272722 273336 275723
control-center (1:2.6.1-13) unstable; urgency=low
* debian/patches:
- Added a sanity check on the type of gconf value before calling strcmp in
gconf_property_editor (Closes: #272358)
- Check that one is on a powerpc with a pmu before reporting that's
there is no /dev/pmu in 08_pmu_fix.patch (Closes: #273336)
- Updated 01_gnome-default-applications-properties-structs.c.patch to add
FireFox and ThunderBird (Closes: #265882)
- Added a check on self->priv in 14_gst-mixer-grab.patch in order to
provent a crash if something went wrong during initialiastion
(Closes: #269429)
- Updated 09_locate_pointer.patch XUngrabKeyboard call thanks to Sjoerd
Simons (Closes: #275723)
* debian/control{,.in},debian/rules:
- Patch from Robert Millan to build on kfreebsd-gnu (Closes: #272722)
8343bdd387513423c56718119d2b8862 1933 gnome optional control-center_2.6.1-13.dsc
9eceef2c1cd708f0e3420ac6ecc71dfc 139235 gnome optional control-center_2.6.1-13.diff.gz
e1e1a485f50a0eedd0a40fe2192f1e9d 1629532 gnome optional capplets-data_2.6.1-13_all.deb
3758029361fba607951199b8d5e00d69 622872 gnome optional capplets_2.6.1-13_i386.deb
b9724c1e36de6bdc125baff5049f9c2d 69060 gnome optional gnome-control-center_2.6.1-13_i386.deb
Version: GnuPG v1.2.5 (GNU/Linux)