Bug#255122: This issue should really be properly fixed

Sebastien Bacher Sebastien Bacher <seb128@debian.org>, 255122@bugs.debian.org
Sun, 17 Oct 2004 00:13:02 +0200

severity 255122 important

Le samedi 16 octobre 2004 =E0 21:19 +0200, Andreas Barth a =E9crit :
> severity 255122 serious
> thanks

please stop playing this game, we are going nowhere with such behaviour.

> It will make sure that we won't release the package in this state.

sorry but on what are you basing this decision ? We had few problems
during the 2.4 -> 2.6 upgrades.

I've made this change:

libbonobo (2.6.2-3) unstable; urgency=3Dmedium

  * GNOME Team Upload
  * debian/libbonobo2-0.postinst:
    + send a HUP signal to bonobo-activation-server after the
installation, that should solve the ORBIT errors with various apps after
the upgrade

No such bug report since then. This change has probably fixed the issue
even if I'm not sure. BTW nobody reported a problem with woody upgrade.

You want to be useful, try some woody -> sarge upgrade and let we know
how it goes. Did you even get this problem recently to make such a
mess ? Do you think than acting in this way of "I'll not let ..." will
help ?

> You are right. The appropriate severity is serious.

Sure that's appropriate for a bug reported a few time, in a special
situation, and which has apparently not occured for months now ...

> Sorry, but a working upgrade from stable is IMHO _required_.=20

Nobody reported a problem when upgrading from stable afaik. Could you
provide more details to start ? Did you make your upgrade from woody to
sarge ? Was evolution running ? Did you restart the application after
the upgrade ? What was exactly the errors ?


Sebastien Bacher