Bug#275574: marked as done (After upgrade of gnome-session and
sawfish, starting gnome fails)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Thu, 21 Oct 2004 14:18:09 -0700
Your message dated Thu, 21 Oct 2004 17:02:17 -0400
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Date: Fri, 8 Oct 2004 23:49:18 +0200
From: Andreas Barth <aba@not.so.argh.org>
To: submit@bugs.debian.org
Subject: After upgrade of gnome-session and sawfish, starting gnome fails
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Package: gnome-session,sawfish
Severity: serious
after upgrading gnomesession and sawfish from woody to sarge, login
takes ages and sawfish is not started afterwards (so that I'm left with
no window manager at all). I think that is a very bad state.
After some debugging, replacing the files /etc/gnome/default.* with the
ones in /usr/share/gnome/default.*, going in via xterm and starting the
control panel by hand, I managed to replace sawfish finally by metacity,
and that worked at last.
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id 1CKk4f-0004Mg-00; Thu, 21 Oct 2004 17:02:17 -0400
From: Josselin Mouette <joss@debian.org>
To: 275574-close@bugs.debian.org
X-Katie: $Revision: 1.51 $
Subject: Bug#275574: fixed in gnome-session 2.6.2-6
Message-Id: <E1CKk4f-0004Mg-00@newraff.debian.org>
Sender: Archive Administrator <katie@ftp-master.debian.org>
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2004 17:02:17 -0400
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autolearn=no version=2.60-bugs.debian.org_2004_03_25
X-CrossAssassin-Score: 2
Source: gnome-session
Source-Version: 2.6.2-6
We believe that the bug you reported is fixed in the latest version of
gnome-session, which is due to be installed in the Debian FTP archive:
to pool/main/g/gnome-session/gnome-session_2.6.2-6.diff.gz
to pool/main/g/gnome-session/gnome-session_2.6.2-6.dsc
to pool/main/g/gnome-session/gnome-session_2.6.2-6_i386.deb
A summary of the changes between this version and the previous one is
Thank you for reporting the bug, which will now be closed. If you
have further comments please address them to 275574@bugs.debian.org,
and the maintainer will reopen the bug report if appropriate.
Debian distribution maintenance software
Josselin Mouette <joss@debian.org> (supplier of updated gnome-session package)
(This message was generated automatically at their request; if you
believe that there is a problem with it please contact the archive
administrators by mailing ftpmaster@debian.org)
Hash: SHA1
Format: 1.7
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2004 22:27:36 +0200
Source: gnome-session
Binary: gnome-session
Architecture: source i386
Version: 2.6.2-6
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Josselin Mouette <joss@debian.org>
Changed-By: Josselin Mouette <joss@debian.org>
gnome-session - The GNOME 2 Session Manager
Closes: 234653 267121 272921 275574 275575
gnome-session (2.6.2-6) unstable; urgency=low
* 02_conversion.diff: only print a warning, don't launch the broken upgrade
script (closes: #275574, #234653).
* patches/05_debian_gnome_upgrade_check.diff, gnome-1-to-2,
gnome-launchers-1-to-2, gnome-panel-1-to-2, gnome-stuff-1-to-2,
nautilus-666666.desktop: removed.
* gnome-session.install: don't install those.
* rules: don't have to fix the permissions.
* control.in:
+ Depend on capplets (closes: #275575, #267121).
+ Recommend nautilus, gnome-panel and a window manager.
* 55gnome-session_gnomerc: support arguments to gnome-session
(closes: #272921).
* 00_Makefile.am.diff: removed.
* 01_autoreconf.diff: updated.
5c08ac9fe0144f1c17c99f3f2b72dbdd 1665 gnome optional gnome-session_2.6.2-6.dsc
cf55bcaabdd4ed2ae4987796107deb86 101897 gnome optional gnome-session_2.6.2-6.diff.gz
26c1e8f107babb08f7f677cb4c8c779b 445888 gnome optional gnome-session_2.6.2-6_i386.deb
Version: GnuPG v1.2.5 (GNU/Linux)