Bug#222073: gnome-system-monitor: memory map fakes unknown
allocations, which is very misleading
Sebastien Bacher
Sebastien Bacher <seb128@debian.org>, 222073@bugs.debian.org
Fri, 22 Oct 2004 13:08:56 +0200
Le mardi 25 novembre 2003 =E0 14:59 +0100, Peter Gervai a =E9crit :
> The memory map of a process shows the allocations for the process, the am=
> and status of the allocation and the inode/file/library to which the
> allocation is associated.
> In the case of inode #0 (unspecified owner) the memory map window lists a
> random(?) owner for the allocation instead of empty or unknown, which is
> very misleading if someone doesn't check pmap or /proc/PID/maps and try t=
> report allocation bugs based on the result.
Do you still have the problem ? I've forwarded it upstream some time ago
and just get a reply asking for details. What do you call "random
owner" ? Where do you read the owner ?
Sebastien Bacher