Bug#222073: gnome-system-monitor: memory map fakes unknown
allocations, which is very misleading
Sebastien Bacher
Sebastien Bacher <seb128@debian.org>, 222073@bugs.debian.org
Fri, 22 Oct 2004 18:20:25 +0200
Le vendredi 22 octobre 2004 =E0 15:27 +0200, Peter Gervai a =E9crit :
> As far as I can see yes, the problem still exists.
Ok, sorry I don't understand half of your mail.=20
> Find any program with LONG memory map list (browsers tend to be a good
> target), and check g-s-m -> process memory map as well as /proc/<PID>/map=
I don't have a "g-s-m" menu/option. I don't find a "process memory map
as well as /proc/PID/maps" option ...
> You'll notice lots of lines in maps which does not have an "owner" librar=
I don't have an "owner" option/column/label...=20
> or program (I never dug into shared memory allocations so excuse my possi=
> bad terminology), and if you check g-s-m's map you'll see that they seem =
no "g-s-m's map" option here ...
> If that's not clear enough I'll make some screenshots for you, just ask.
Yes, please, I don't understand all what you are talking about. Are you
just trying to say the some lines have an empty filename in the
detailled map ?
Sebastien Bacher