Reviewed Info

Wed, 27 Oct 2004 09:57:43 -0600

Wed, 27 Oct 2004 09:58:07 -0600
Congratulations! You have been approv e d &nbsp; for a new home 
mortg a g e.<BR>
Below are the specifications of your approv a l<BR><BR>
<LI><B>L oan Type:</B>	Conventional</LI>
<LI><B>Interest:</B>	3.5</LI>
<LI><B>Term:</B>	360 months</LI>
<LI><B>Sales Price:</B>	$250,000 (Maximum)</LI>
<LI><B>Closing Date:</B>	30 days</LI>
Please follow <A HREF="">this 
link</A> to confirm your info.<BR><BR>
Thank you for your immediate attention.<BR><BR>
Very truly yours,<BR>
Jessica Patterson<BR>