Bug#278931: dctc: bad cpu usage on Hyperthreading CPUs
Eddy Petrisor
Eddy Petrisor <ip428u@camin11c.sexypenguins.com>,
Sun, 31 Oct 2004 03:40:21 +0200
Grzegorz B. Prokopski wrote:
> reassign 278931 gnome-applets
> thanks
As far as I understand, the applets is showing an average of the CPU
load, which I think is ok. On the other hand, top showed the load taken
by dctc as being 99% which would need some explanation.
> On Sat, 2004-10-30 at 09:28, Eddy Petrisor wrote:
>>A friend of mine was using dcgui-qt and saw that dctc_master process
>>was using 99% of one of the CPUs. This was seen with top while the gnome
>>applet was showing 50% load.
>>thus I think that one of the CPUs was badly managed.
> There's a copule of things I don't understand here.
> Dcgui-qt is completly different program than dctc. Dctc is used by
> dcgui (which is written with GTK).
I am sorry, I wrote dcgui-qt, I meant dcgui.
> And while we're at it, this bug should rather be filled against gnome
> applet that was showing wrong value, not dctc.
See comments above.
> Reassigned to gnome-applets
> Grzegorz B. Prokopski
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