Bug#279010: gnome-core: should depends on x-windows-system-core
Gustavo Noronha Silva
Gustavo Noronha Silva <kov@debian.org>, 279010@bugs.debian.org
Sun, 31 Oct 2004 13:04:04 -0300
Em Dom, 2004-10-31 =C3=A0s 00:37 +0200, Lior Kaplan escreveu:
> GNOME in genereal and gnome-core to be specific doesn't depend on x-windo=
ws-system-core, hence the abbility to install it without even having X. Tha=
t of course makes the software unusable. Please fix the depenecies. Thanks.=
Actually, it doesn't make it unusable. You can install GNOME on a server
which is going to serve applications to a X terminal client in a
network, for example, and for that you don't need X installed on the
server machine, only on the client side.
A Recommends: is the highest dependency relationship that should go into
kov@debian.org: Gustavo Noronha <http://people.debian.org/~kov>
Debian: <http://www.debian.org> * <http://www.debian-br.org>