Bug#302466: gossip: need better resource handling

Ross Burton Ross Burton <ross@burtonini.com>, 302466@bugs.debian.org
Fri, 01 Apr 2005 10:03:04 +0100

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tag 302466 +wontfix

> In using gossip, I find that it doesn't show which resource the status
> in the buddy list corresponds to.  This is a problem when people log
> in with multiple resources that have different statuses.  For example,
> if someone logs in with the resource "HomeOffice" and the resource
> "DevOffice".  Along with seeing the status of each resources, the user
> needs a way to specify which resource to initiate a conversation with.

Assuming that the other people are using sane clients which are not
subverting the Jabber protocol, when starting a new conversation with
someone logged in twice Gossip sends it to the resource with the highest
priority, which generally means the resource which is active.

If this doesn't work, it's a bug in the remote users client.  Gossip
will not work-around broken clients by showing multiple resources in the
roster, when they were intended to be transparent to the user.

Ross Burton                                 mail: ross@burtonini.com
                                          jabber: ross@burtonini.com
                                     www: http://www.burtonini.com./
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