Bug#302687: libgnomecups: Hold from Sarge for now
Ross Burton
Ross Burton <ross@burtonini.com>, 302687@bugs.debian.org
Sat, 02 Apr 2005 12:14:16 +0100
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Package: libgnomecups
Version: 0.2.0-1
Severity: serious
X-Debbugs-CC: debian-release@lists.debian.org
This version of libgnomecups should be held from Sarge until we (the
GNOME packaging team) have decided what version of gnome-cups-manager
will be in Sarge.
If the gnome-cups-manager currently in testing (0.28) will be used in
Sarge, this version of libgnomecups cannot be allowed into Sarge
(testing currently has 0.1.4) as then g-c-m will fail to rebuild due to
API changes in libgnomecups.
If the gnome-cups-manager currently in experimental (0.30 w/Ubuntu
patches) will be pushed into Sarge, then I shall close this bug and let
both libgnomecups and gnome-cups-manager migrate to Sarge.
Personally I believe the version in experimental is suitable for Sarge
as it is largely based upon the version in the latest Ubuntu release,
but we shall see.
Ross Burton mail: ross@burtonini.com
jabber: ross@burtonini.com
www: http://www.burtonini.com./
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