Bug#302685: After removing gdm 'startx' wont start X
Justin Pryzby
Justin Pryzby <justinpryzby@users.sourceforge.net>,
Sat, 2 Apr 2005 11:26:27 -0500
On Sat, Apr 02, 2005 at 05:08:22PM +0200, Leszek Koltunski wrote:
> I once again purged gdm, tried to 'startx' as a normal user 'leszek' - no
> success. For a brief moment I get to see this gray screen with the
> hourglass, but after some ~1/2 a second X server exits.
> I added another normal user and 'startx' - no problems.
Can you also confirm that XFree86 always works, independent of whether
gdm is installed or not, and independent of what user runs it?