Bug#241150: window closes when dragging files from another

James Curbo James Curbo <jcurbo@acm.org>, 241150@bugs.debian.org
Thu, 07 Apr 2005 17:12:45 +0200

On Thu, 2005-04-07 at 15:33 +0100, Stewart Jeacocke wrote:
> > Package: nautilus
> > Version: 2.6.0-1
> > Severity: normal
> > Tags: experimental
> > 
> > When dragging files from one Nautilus window to another (either
> > 'browser' or 'spatial' types, it doesn't matter which on either end),
> > the receiving window switches to showing just the dragged file for a
> > split second then closes.
> Did you get around to checking if this bug still exists on a current
> Sarge install?

I don't have a Sarge system to test it on, and until a week ago I didn't
even have a Debian system at all; however on my current unstable setup
(which is the debian-amd64 port by the way) running Nautilus 2.8.2 I
have no problems.