Bug#303687: Dumps core on start
Thomas Bushnell BSG
Thomas Bushnell BSG <tb@becket.net>, 303687@bugs.debian.org
Fri, 08 Apr 2005 01:02:43 -0700
Steve Langasek <vorlon@debian.org> writes:
> Well, I think it's equally valid to say that this is a libgconf11 bug, for
> trying to launch the gnome2 version of gconfd and *not* falling back to
> launching the gnome1.2 version. If people want to fix this via gconf2,
> that's fine; the important thing then is that this version of gnucash
> doesn't get into testing without the fixed version of gconf2 -- which it
> won't.
Actually, my understanding is that libgconf11 is trying to launch the
normal gnome-1 thing, and the normal gnome-1 thing is not being
supported correctly by gnome2, though gnome2 promises to. But my
understanding may well be inaccurate in this respect.
> I'll set the severity to grave, because this *is* an RC issue one way or
> another; but it also doesn't affect any packages currently in testing. The
> defensive thing to do, if you care about getting this version of gnucash
> into sarge, would be to sort out the libgconf11/gtkhtml ungraceful behavior
> rather than waiting on the gconf2 bug to be fixed...
Can you please explain why this is RC? There is a bug, yes, but it
isn't critical or severe or even serious by the normal standards of
such bugs, since it has such a trivial workaround.
Even if it prevented reports from being generated entirely, it would
only be important in my opinion, though it might be RC. But normal
bugs with trivial workarounds aren't RC.
> Does gnucash work with the woody version of gconf2, btw?
I don't know the history of it well enough to be able to say.