Fwd: Re: gDesklets

Sebastien Bacher seb128@debian.org
Sun, 10 Apr 2005 15:03:27 +0200

Le dimanche 10 avril 2005 =E0 14:18 +0200, Rayk a =E9crit :
> Hello,
> I'm using gDesklets on a Debian (Sid) system. But on the servers are
> only old versions of gDesklets (0.33.1). Is there a special (security,
> stability) reason for not integrating newer versions of gDesklets in an=
> Debian Version?


The new versions breaks the compatibility/the users' configuration for
some desklets and use a libgtop which has a soname change. It'll
probably be packaged for experimental though.


Sebastien Bacher