Bug#322395: Package: Gnome

karmon karmon at gmx.net
Wed Aug 10 13:18:30 UTC 2005

Package:  Gnome
Version:   64

To: submit at bugs.debian.org
From: karmon at gmx.net
Subject: Gnome freezes when trying to move unstretched lower panel

When I unstretch the lower panel in gnome 2.8 (so that it is only as wide as necessary)
and then click on the very left part of it in order to drag it somewhere else, the lower
panel jumps up and down very fast and the desktop is rendered unusable.
The mouse still works but the shape of the cursor becomes a cross and icons and menus
cannot be worked with.
This is reproducable on my system on a regualr basis.
The first time this happened, I couldn't even switch to another console and I had to push
the reset button.
Starting from the second time I was able to use the other consoles and shutdown/reboot the
computer manually.

Sorry for the inadequate description of the version but I am still in the beginning of
working my way into GNU/Linux.

Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 (Sarge), kernel 2.6.8-2-386
Gnome 2.8

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