Bug#293518: Battstat ceases to read ACPI data until applet is reset or a major event occurs

Craig Dunford Craig Dunford <cdunford@uwo.ca>, 293518@bugs.debian.org
Thu, 03 Feb 2005 21:12:45 -0500

Package: gnome-applets
Version: 2.8.2-1

The battstat applet included in gnome-applets ceases to function on ACPI data at
random points in time. Sometimes the applet will report low battery when the
charge previously was reported as very high. This is not an ACPI problem as
/proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state reports that the battery is charged. In order to
get the applet to function again, it needs to be removed from the panel and
added back on; or X can be restarted; or the AC adapter can be either inserted
or removed. As well, the applet does not indicate the time remaining, it always
says the time remaining is unknown.