Bug#281568: g-s-t, high quality program
Thomas Hood
Thomas Hood <jdthood@aglu.demon.nl>, 281568-quiet@bugs.debian.org
Tue, 08 Feb 2005 18:31:24 +0100
gnome-system-tools is a configuration utility. In Debian, configuration
utilities can do anything, no matter how stupid, without it being
considered an RC bug. The reasoning is that the administrator chooses
to run the program; hence if chaos results then it is the admin's own
fault. He should have known better.
If a higher standard than this were applied to gnome-system-tools --
e.g., if the standard were applied that g-s-t should not mangle system
configuration files or dupe the admin into doing so, then g-s-t would
not be releasable. (See the many bugs open against g-s-t in the Debian
BTS.) If it couldn't be released with sarge then neither could the
"gnome" package, which depends on it. You don't want sarge releasing
without GNOME, do you?
(P.S. Please note that this is my sarcastic way of saying that this bug
report is an additional reason for deeming g-s-t not to be of release
Thomas Hood <jdthood@aglu.demon.nl>