Bug#285098: Bug #285098 - Can't input anything to gdm
Alban browaeys
browaeys.alban@wanadoo.fr, 285098-quiet@bugs.debian.org
Tue, 08 Feb 2005 22:22:36 +0100
Le mardi 08 f=E9vrier 2005 =E0 16:01 +0100, Patrizio Bruno a =E9crit :=20
> VTAllocation is set to 7 and kdm works nicely, I found that problem just
> with gdm. I solved the problem using X.org instead of xfree86, but when
> I use xfree the problem is still there... dunno why.
Kdm does not have VTAllocation option . THis option does not mean
allocate X to VT number X , but enable automatic VT allocation (gdm
search the first available VT).
Gdm is the only to expose the bug because the other miss this feature.
Before reassigning this to xfree86, could you narrow the problem:
- have you changed /etc/inittab (where the VT are defined), i guess you
don't but it ll avoid loosing time.
- can you try with VTAllocation=3Dfalse, does gdm now start on VT7
- can you try latest xfree86 packages (.10), it fixed a VT switching bug
for me , something like in :
Maybe it s only a dependency that was fixed, it may be safer to upgrade.
I also had a bug which made input in gdm sometimes stop (i have SCIM
isntalled, multinlingual input method) which wass fixed by yesterday
libgtk2.0 2.6.2 upload in sid. As you are using experimental, this may
have happened to you too.
If the bug is still in the new xfree86 , please cc me or reassign the
bug to xserver-xfree86.