Bug#295298: gksu error reporting could be more friendly
Sebastien Bacher
Sebastien Bacher <seb128@debian.org>, 295298@bugs.debian.org
Mon, 14 Feb 2005 23:09:49 +0100
Package: gksu
This bug has been opened here: https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/2498
"Select "Root Terminal" in the GNOME menu.
Type an incorrect password in the gksudo dialog.
The displayed error message reads:
"Failed to run /usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator as user root:
Child terminated with 1 status"
It should explain that the cause of the error is an incorrect password instead
of some internal error in x-terminal-emulator:
"Failed to run /usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator as user root:
Incorrect password"
If possible, there should be a specific error message for the "Root Terminal"
because root has no password of itself by default:
"Failed to run a root terminal: incorrect password""