Bug#295777: hicolor-icon-theme: (ppc) Package is almost empty : there are only generic icons on my desktop after update.

Loïc Minier Loïc Minier , 295777@bugs.debian.org
Fri, 18 Feb 2005 08:49:27 +0100

severity 295777 important
severity 295778 important
merge 295777 295778
tags 295777 + unreproducible moreinfo


On ven, fév 18, 2005, Valentin Descamps wrote:
> Problem with this package : there are missing icons in the package whic=
> result in generic icons everywhere

 Are you sure you mean hicolor-icon-theme?  I upgraded the theme myself,
 and I'm not experiencing any bug with it.

 Could you please run:
 dpkg -L hicolor-icon-theme | wc -l
 debsums hicolor-icon-theme

 That should check the integrity of your package.

 If you can do so, please check if creating a new user on your system
 and selecting this theme works.


Loïc Minier <lool@dooz.org>
"Neutral President: I have no strong feelings one way or the other."