Bug#295795: capplets: typing monitor ignores "Allow postponing of break" option

Julian Gilbey Julian Gilbey <jdg@debian.org>, 295795@bugs.debian.org
Fri, 18 Feb 2005 09:51:45 +0000

On Fri, Feb 18, 2005 at 08:42:42AM +0100, Lo?c Minier wrote:
> tags 295795 + moreinfo unreproducible
> thanks
>         Hi,
> On Fri, Feb 18, 2005, Julian Gilbey wrote:
> > The gnome-typing-monitor applet has a configurable option in
> > Preferences of "Allow postponing of breaks", which worked until
> > recently (don't know how recently, though), so that if this option was
> > checked, postponement was permitted, and unchecking the option would
> > prevent this.  The option was configurable throughout a GNOME session:
> > switch it on, and breaks would be permitted, switch it off and they'd
> > be forbidden again.  Now, however, it seems that whatever the saved
> > preference when the applet is started is used throughout the session,
> > regardless of any change made.
>  (Please use the "reportbug" utility to report bugs.)
>  I could not reproduce your problem, I launched "gnome-typing-monitor",
>  it was configured by default to not ask pauses and not allow
>  continuing, I configured both and that worked.  I closed it and
>  restarted it, and it was configured to not allow continuing, I checked
>  it again, and my settings were respected.

Thanks for your speedy response.

I didn't try "closing it and restarting it" - it used to be that I
could change the preferences while it was running and it would respect
my new preferences without closing and restarting, whereas now it
requires closing and restarting.

>  What is the version of gconf2 on your system? (dpkg -l gconf2)


>  Can you give detailed instructions on how to get the bug?  I need to
>  be able to reproduce it.

Run the program, change the preferences and wait for it to go into
typing break mode.  (You probably want to set a short Work interval
and Break interval, then restart before doing this!)  Has it respected
the postpone option if you change it while the applet is running (not
while it is in break mode ;) ?  It doesn't for me (but used to).

Does that make a little more sense?
