Bug#296211: libgtk2.0-0 is broken in sid; doesn't export
necessary symbols
Szucs Gabor
Szucs Gabor <sniper@sniper.sch.bme.hu>, 296211@bugs.debian.org
Mon, 21 Feb 2005 13:54:27 +0100
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On Monday 21 February 2005 13.08, you wrote:
> Hi,
> On Mon, Feb 21, 2005, Szucs Gabor wrote:
> > > (Please keep the bug id in Cc:.)
> Please keep the bug in Cc:.
Excuse me for forgetting again to cc.
> > deb ftp://ftp.bme.hu/OS/Linux/dist/debian/ unstable main contrib non-fr=
> Is this an up-to-date mirror?
Looks like.
> Anyway, if you've used "dpkg" to update your packages, that's probably
> the problem. Please tell me which tool you used to update.
Let me explain this in a greater detail.
I was a happy sid user until a couple of weeks ago. Then - after an upgrade=
(an upgrade issued in dselect, my favorite tool) - GTK was gone. Firefox=20
didn't work, and I had no time to solve this problem. Yday evening I took a=
look on it, and the downgrade was successful.
I don't consider myself a lamer... don't treat me as one. But the easiest=20
approach was to downgrade manually. Don't you think?=20
> Regards,
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