Bug#238192: Audio properties page broken for flac and ogg
Sebastien Bacher
Sebastien Bacher <seb128@debian.org>, 238192@bugs.debian.org
Sat, 08 Jan 2005 17:35:34 +0100
Le lundi 15 mars 2004 =E0 18:37 +0100, Johannes Rohr a =E9crit :
> Package: totem
> Version: 0.99.9-5
> Severity: minor
> The audio/video properties page that is installed by totem does not
> work for flac nor for ogg vorbis audio files. I.e. the page is there
> but does not display any metadata, more exactly it reports all metadata
> values as empty/zero.
Do you still get this issue with the current versions ?
Sebastien Bacher