Bug#289470: totem crash

Ing. Vladimir M. Kerka kerka@dinmont.cz, 289470@bugs.debian.org
Sun, 09 Jan 2005 17:36:50 +0100

Sebastien Bacher wrote:
> Le dimanche 09 janvier 2005 à 15:19 +0100, Ing. Vladimir M. Kerka a
> écrit :
>>>Ok, so could you post it the backtrace (the long list of function names
>>>and symboles) that you have in the details of the bug-buddy dialog ?
>>Yes, here it is:
> Hum, a lot of symboles are still not here. Could you make debug packages
> (in the same way as for totem) for gconf2, nautilus-cd-burner and
> libxine1 ? With that we should have a full backtrace for all the parts
> which will be useful.
Well, there seems to be a problem:
I've succesfuly did everything for gconf2 and nautilus-cd-burner, but 
libxine1 has some problem:
dunadan:/home/kerka/root# apt-get -u build-dep libxine1
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
E: Build-dependencies for libxine1 could not be satisfied.

What to do?



Ing. Vladimir M. Kerka
Klukovicka 1530
155 00 Praha 5 - Stodulky
Czech Republic
e-mail: kerka@dinmont.cz
web:    www.dinmont.cz

NOTE: rm -rf /bin/ladin
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