Bug#284328: Permission for 'dev/pmu'
Sebastien Bacher
Sebastien Bacher <seb128@debian.org>, 284328@bugs.debian.org
Sun, 09 Jan 2005 19:16:26 +0100
severity 284328 normal
Le dimanche 09 janvier 2005 =E0 18:44 +0100, Sven Luther a =E9crit :
> severity 284328 serious
> thanks
Read the policy please. Since when a popup displayed on one kind of
machines without any breakage is serious ?
> Sebastien, could you please do an NMU of this package ? I seriously don=
> think we can release with this bug still open. It is only anoying, but =
it is
> something that could be fixed, and we would loose serious face if this =
> permitted to make it into the release.
You think that raising the bug severity will help you to get fixed ?=20
It was on my todo list but I guess it'll wait. BTW I'm changing that to
Sebastien Bacher