Bug#288753: merging duplicate bug
Branden Robinson
288753@bugs.debian.org, 288753@bugs.debian.org
Sun, 9 Jan 2005 22:27:02 -0500
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severity 289327 normal
retitle 289327 internal error: /var/lib/dpkg/alternatives/x-cursor-theme co=
rrupt: missing newline after manflag
ressign 289327 gtk2-engines-industrial
merge 288753 289327
Filing multiple reports about a problem against different packages and with
varying severities is neither the proper way to communicate with a
volunteer-driver project, nor does it appreciably increase the likelihood
that your problem will be resolved in a timely fashion.
You filed #288753 on 5 January against gtk2-engines-industrial with normal
severity, reporting the following problem:
internal error: /var/lib/dpkg/alternatives/x-cursor-theme corrupt: missing
newline after manflag
You then filed #289327 on 8 January against xlibs-data, reporting the exact
same problem. This time with *CRITICAL* severity.
On 9 January, Josselin Mouette attempted to contact you regarding #288753,
but you have not yet replied.
If you do not plan to respond to this query for further information, then
that, too, is not a good way to interact with volunteer developers.
The critical severity implies that (if necessary) the entire Debian Project
should stop what it is doing and direct its resources to fixing the
reported problem at once, bending its will upon a single task. It reflects
the most drastic of problems. While I understand your desire to see an
annoying problem resolved as soon as possible, imagine what would happen if
all of our users behaved in this way. If all bugs are critical, then none
are critical. We have no way to distinguish the truly alarming problems
=66rom the passing fancy that a user would like us to implement at our
At least one of your reports must be in error. They report the same basic
information, and yet somehow drastically different conclusions are reached
as to the nature of the problem.
In, the future, please do not file duplicate bug reports. It causes people
to spend time identifying and merging those duplicates, and attempting to
write patient mails to the submittes, that could be spent researching the
problems reported and working towards a solution.
Thanks for your time. Please direct further correspondence regarding the
problem you have encountered to <288753@bugs.debian.org>.
G. Branden Robinson |
Debian GNU/Linux | kernel panic -- causal failure
branden@debian.org | universe will now reboot
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |
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