Bug#284824: gnome-cpufreq-applet: unable to select cpu speeds
from popup menu
Andrew Lau
Andrew Lau <netsnipe@users.sourceforge.net>, 284824@bugs.debian.org
Wed, 19 Jan 2005 23:54:31 +1100
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On Wed, Dec 08, 2004 at 07:14:23PM -0600, Keith Schincke wrote:
> Package: gnome-cpufreq-applet
> Version: 0.3.1-2
> Severity: normal
> gnome-cpufreq-applet does not allow the setting of the CPU speed up
> and then back down. When the laptop power is removed, the new cpu
> speed is indicated. The pop up menu lists the available cpu speeds
> (100%, 60% ). I am able to speed the CPU to 100% but not back to 60%.
> (I am also not able to change the cpu speed while the AC is attached)
Hi Keith,
I'm closing this bug as it isn't a problem with gnome-cpufreq-applet
itself as its a merely a front-end. Your problem probably lies with
either the cpufreqd, cpudyn or powernowd daemons. Can you still set the
freqency manually? Are you using the userspace governor?
$ cd /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq
$ cat scaling_available_frequencies
200000 ... 1600000
# echo 600000 > scaling_setspeed
Yours sincerely,
Andrew "Netsnipe" Lau
Andrew "Netsnipe" Lau <http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~alau/>
Debian GNU/Linux Maintainer & UNSW Computing Students' Society President
"Nobody expects the Debian Inquisition!
Our two weapons are fear and surprise...and ruthless efficiency!"
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