Bug#253280: gtk2-engines-industrial: problems with new xcursors
ROBERTOJIMENOCA <ROBERTOJIMENOCA@terra.es>, 253280@bugs.debian.org
Thu, 20 Jan 2005 13:52:57 GMT
Josselin Mouette wrote=3A
=3E Le vendredi 14 janvier 2005 =E0 11=3A32 +0000=2C ROBERTOJIMENOCA a =E9=
crit =3A
=3E =3E =3E Is it also true of alpha cursors=3F I think they are displaye=
d using the
=3E =3E =3E RENDER extension=2C not the hardware cursor mechanism=2E
=3E =3E =
=3E =3E sis=2C ati and nv xfree86 drivers support ARGB HW cursors
=3E =
=3E And others use the RENDER extension=2C what=27s the problem with it=3F=
Since it=27s not double buffered=2E It blinks=2E
I prefer a normal cursor not blinking than a ultra-fashion cursor that
blinks when something is bellow it=2E
=3E =3E I also prefer the pretty cursors but it=27s more important for me=
=3E =3E the hardware accelerated cursor=2E
=3E =3E =
=3E =3E Maybe a good default would be to always use HW cursor and if ther=
e=27s no
=3E =3E support for ARGB cursor use the not alpha cursors=2E
=3E =3E Would you default to that=3F
=3E =
=3E There=27s no way we can detect that=2E This is a bug in XFree86=2C an=
d it
=3E should be fixed=2C full stop=2E
What=27s the bug=3F The card not having support ARGB cursors at all=3F (t=
one cannot be fixed)
or blinking when using a RENDER extension cursor=3F (this one could be
fixed but I still prefer having a hardware cursor since it=27s faster and=
causes less trouble)
=3E This is not something that can be worked
=3E around easily=2E If you want to see this fixed=2C please help fixing =
=3E broken driver of your graphics card=2E
Could you explain what you say needs to be fixed=3F
(I think you mean the missing support for ARGB HW cursors=2C but I=27m no=