Bug#291538: G_FILENAME_ENCODING of @local not work anymore
Sebastien Bacher
Sebastien Bacher <seb128@debian.org>, 291538@bugs.debian.org
Fri, 21 Jan 2005 13:19:52 +0100
severity 291538 important
Le vendredi 21 janvier 2005 =E0 12:41 +0100, Klaus Ethgen a =E9crit :
> The @local in G_FILENAME_ENCODING which is the only way to not coredump
That's @locale, not @local
> any glib application if the filesystem is not utf-8 do not work anymore
> in the newest version of the glib.
What do you call "do no work" ? Does it crash ?
> As this makes all glib depending applications broken I set the severity
> to critical.
Please provide some informations on these breakages. I'm changing the
severity to important for the moment.
Sebastien Bacher