Bug#291538: G_FILENAME_ENCODING of @local not work anymore
Sebastien Bacher
Sebastien Bacher <seb128@debian.org>, 291538@bugs.debian.org
Fri, 21 Jan 2005 18:57:23 +0100
(please keep 291538@bugs.debian.org copied)
Le vendredi 21 janvier 2005 =E0 14:20 +0100, Klaus Ethgen a =E9crit :
> Hash: SHA1
> Am Fr den 21. Jan 2005 um 13:19 schriebst Du:
> > > The @local in G_FILENAME_ENCODING which is the only way to not core=
> > ...
> > That's @locale, not @local
> Until now it was @local. If this is the change than the @local should b=
> accepted with the new version the same way the old did use it. (See als=
> Bug #291336)
No, @local was a typo in /usr/share/doc/libgtk2.0-0/README.gz (that's
fixed in 2.6 with @locale which is the current version).
I've pinged upstream about this, that's not a bug out of the typo.
> Yes. If a filename (on a non-UTF-8 filesystem) has a german umlaut for
> example the application cannot be started without cleaning the complete
> rc's (For gimp: "rm -fr .gimp*" for gqview "rm -fr .gqview")
does it crash ? how do you run the application ?
> The environment above is the only way to work with any glib application
> if the filesystem is not utf-8.
Could you try with "@locale" ?
Sebastien Bacher