Bug#280564: acknowledged by developer (Re: gedit should open a
new pad when an additional instance is spawned)
Lo騃 Minier
Lo騃 Minier ,
Sun, 23 Jan 2005 21:34:16 +0100
reopen 280564
retitle 280564 Please add a way to change the default behavior of gedit to --new-window or --new-document
severity 280564 wishlist
Adam Lydick <lydickaw@ruffledpenguin.org> - Thu, Jan 20, 2005:
> [reopening with a more clear argument. if you feel strongly about it,
> you can go ahead and close this again, and I can pester upstream
> instead ;)]
I would prefer that you discuss this with upstream, since I'm not the
person to convince on the features to add in gedit. I reopened the bug
though, until we discuss this (use "reopen $bugid" in a mail to
control@bugs.debian.org to reopen a bug).
I tested what can be edited in the GNOME menu, sadly the current menu
system in GNOME 2.8 is broken and has a lot of bugs, and I came across
one of them: editing the "preferences" of the menu entry will make the
menu entry disappear!
The menu system was rewritten in 2.9, and a new system will be made
available for GNOME 2.10, so I won't chase that bug.
The new system doesn't deal with user menus right now, so don't count
on it right now, but upstream now they've got to do this.
> Are you suggesting that bringing the existing instance to the foregroun=
> without opening a new pad is a good default behavior when "gedit" is
> chosen from the gnome menu?
I don't know.
> Could you add the appropriate flags to the .desktop for the gnome menu?
> (Or explain why the existing behavior is better?)
I can try to ask upstream, but I think the default behavior should be
Lo騃 Minier <lool@dooz.org>
"Neutral President: I have no strong feelings one way or the other."