Bug#292329: Include the version of the producing program in data
Johannes Lehtinen
Johannes Lehtinen <johannes.lehtinen@iki.fi>, 292329@bugs.debian.org
Wed, 26 Jan 2005 14:36:01 +0200
Package: dia
Version: 0.94.0-4
Severity: wishlist
I suggest that the version of the producing program would be included in
Dia data files. I could not find such information in the files. And
maybe also the producing program in case there will more Dia-compatible
software in future.
This would make it easier to locate and fix inconsistencies between
different versions of Dia (see bug reports #164291 and #292326, for
example). It would also make it possible to support files produced with
older versions even when making changes or fixes that are not backwards
compatible. At the very least it would enable for a third party to
develope a separate converter program that fixes old files for newer Dia
versions (to support a smooth transition for users of Debian stable, for
Johannes Lehtinen <johannes.lehtinen@iki.fi>, http://www.iki.fi/jle/