Bug#292346: gnome-panel: menu is empty
Benoît Dejean
TazForEver@dlfp.org, 292346@bugs.debian.org
Wed, 26 Jan 2005 23:37:34 +0100
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Le mercredi 26 janvier 2005 =C3=A0 23:09 +0100, Marc Dequ=C3=A8nes a =C3=A9=
crit :
> Coin,
Pan Pan !
> What it after an upgrade like Marco d'Itri ?
> In this case, any error or warning during upgrade ?
i can't say, i dist-upgrade everyday. Tonight, i have to reboot ... no
more entries.
> Do you mean you have no app entries, or not even dir entries like
> 'Games', 'Graphics', ... ?
Not a single, just the Debian Entry
> Looks like a broken upgrade with missing parts.
> If no app entries, is your '/usr/share/applications/' empty ?
> If no dir entries, is your '/usr/share/gnome/vfolders/' empty ?
they are both full of .desktop and are readable.
Beno=C3=AEt Dejean
JID: TazForEver@jabber.org
GNOME http://www.gnomefr.org/
LibGTop http://directory.fsf.org/libgtop.html
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