Bug#264790: acknowledged by developer (Re: Bug#264790:
acknowledged by developer (schemas files in /etc/gconf/schemas should be
Christian Marillat
Christian Marillat <marillat@debian.org>, 264790@bugs.debian.org
Fri, 28 Jan 2005 17:18:00 +0100
reopen 264790
owner@bugs.debian.org (Debian Bug Tracking System) writes:
> Le mercredi 26 janvier 2005 =E0 06:44 +0100, Christian Marillat a =E9crit :
>> Then don't close a bug, when this bug isn't fixed.
> You are probably not the right person to say things like this.
LOL. Another one ?
> For the case we're talking about, there is no bug in
> libgnomevfs2-common, full stop. If you want to see a change in the
> behavior of dpkg, please bring this to the -devel or -policy lists.
No, this bug has nothing to do with policy or dpkg
May be you need to learn how md5sum works ? Then collect the md5sum
for schemas files in /etc/gconf/schemas for each packages and then check
if these file are changed or not and remove files who have the same md5sum.
It is too hard ?