Processed: Re: Bug#264790: acknowledged by developer (Re:
Bug#264790: acknowledged by developer (schemas files in /etc/gconf/schemas
should be removed))
Debian Bug Tracking System
Fri, 28 Jan 2005 09:48:51 -0800
Processing commands for
> tag 264790 - wontfix
Bug#264790: libgnomevfs2-common: schemas files in /etc/gconf/schemas should be removed
Tags were: wontfix
Tags removed: wontfix
> reassign 264790 dpkg
Bug#264790: libgnomevfs2-common: schemas files in /etc/gconf/schemas should be removed
Bug reassigned from package `libgnomevfs2-common' to `dpkg'.
> merge 264790 182021
Bug#182021: [CONFFILE] dpkg: reappearing conffile that had vanished fools dpkg
Bug#264790: libgnomevfs2-common: schemas files in /etc/gconf/schemas should be removed
Bug#108587: [CONFFILE] dpkg: a conffile that vanishes across an upgrade can fool dpkg
Merged 108587 182021 264790.
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)