Bug#273917: nautilus should register itself as a handler for
Sebastien Bacher
Sebastien Bacher <seb128@debian.org>, 273917@bugs.debian.org
Sat, 29 Jan 2005 01:16:31 +0100
Le mardi 28 septembre 2004 =E0 14:01 -0700, Michael P a =E9crit :
> rhythmbox opens up. I assume this is because rhythmbox has
> "x-directory/normal" listed in the MimeType line of its .desktop file.
> I think perhaps there should be a line in nautilus.desktop that says:
> MimeType=3Dx-directory/normal
> Maybe I'm wrong and that wouldn't fix the problem, but hopefully you
> know what would!
Sorry for the delay to reply. I think this bug is fixed. Nautilus
doesn't has to register for the directories, but other apps should not
do that neither. This was a rhythmbox bug fixed now. Do you still get
the issue ?
Sebastien Bacher