Bug#311252: Sarge: gconfd-2 isn't stopped when users logout

Josselin Mouette 311252@bugs.debian.org, 311252@bugs.debian.org
Tue Jul 12 20:05:09 UTC 2005

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Le lundi 11 juillet 2005 =E0 16:53 +0100, Justin B Rye a =E9crit :
> Just to confirm that the original reporter isn't some freakish
> one-off.  Here on my domestic network, where most X logins on the
> public server are my flatmates logging into fvwm2, running firefox
> and then logging out, I routinely found ghostly gconfd-2 processes
> haunting the process table (sometimes on their own, sometimes two
> per user).
> It was also often possible to get this sort of effect by invoking
> various other minor apps such as gthumb or ggv; sometimes gconfd-2
> would just exit automatically, sometimes it would require a
> "gconftool-2 --shutdown", and sometimes it would ignore even that.
> I spent a while looking for repeatable recipes, but never found any
> pattern to it other than that firefox tended to cause trouble.

If firefox spawns gconf processes, I tend to say this is a bug in
firefox to begin with, as firefox doesn't use gconf.

 .''`.           Josselin Mouette        /\./\
: :' :           josselin.mouette@ens-lyon.org
`. `'                        joss@debian.org
  `-  Debian GNU/Linux -- The power of freedom

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