Bug#308333: epiphany-browser: no refresh of browserwindow

Loïc Minier Loïc Minier <lool@dooz.org>, 308333@bugs.debian.org
Wed Jul 13 20:32:59 UTC 2005


 This is a followup for Debian bug <http://bugs.debian.org/308333>.

On lun, mai 09, 2005, Florian Reitmeir wrote:
> the browser dosen't refresh the content of a website correctly, even
> after a reload.
> Step by Step:
> 	- a websit with some formulars, GET and POST
> 	- so in my URL is something like: http://site/script?param=3D
> 	- now execute a form with a POST parameter
> 	- the form is correct executed
> 	- the browser nearly "stalls", menus function normal, but the browser
> 		window is stalled, no scrolling possible ..
> 	- resize the window (force the browser a redraw) and everything is
> 		fine again.
> =09
> some marks:
> 	- the script is executed normally
> 	- other browser windows do sas they should
> 	- the website has correct caching headers
> IMHO it looks like, the browser "forgets" the redraw if the URL isn't
> changed.

 Thanks for your report, and sorry for the late reply.

 Do you still get this bug with newer versions of epiphany?  Could you
 give an URL exposing the problem you suggest?


Lo=EFc Minier <lool@dooz.org>
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