Processed: maintainance of bug

Debian Bug Tracking System
Thu, 02 Jun 2005 18:18:11 -0700

Processing commands for

> reassign 305398 coreutils
Bug#305398: gnome-terminal and ls -color = asumed backgound is black
Bug reassigned from package `gnome-terminal' to `coreutils'.

> retitle 309085 poedit, kbabel, gtranslator should be in the same place
Bug#309085: poedit should be in the same category in the menu as kbabel(kbabel is bugged also)
Changed Bug title.

> in the menu
Unknown command or malformed arguments to command.

> clone 309085 -1 -2
Bug#309085: poedit, kbabel, gtranslator should be in the same place
Bug 309085 cloned as bugs 311739-311740.

> reassign -1 kbabel
Bug#311739: poedit, kbabel, gtranslator should be in the same place
Bug reassigned from package `poedit' to `kbabel'.

> reassign -1 gtranslator
Bug#311739: poedit, kbabel, gtranslator should be in the same place
Bug reassigned from package `kbabel' to `gtranslator'.

> thanks
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.

Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)