Accepted gnome-applets 2.10.1-3 (i386 source all)

Marc Dequènes (Duck)
Fri, 10 Jun 2005 16:32:34 -0400

Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.7
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2005 21:17:02 +0200
Source: gnome-applets
Binary: gnome-applets-data gnome-applets-dbg gnome-applets gnome-applets-dev
Architecture: source i386 all
Version: 2.10.1-3
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Marc Dequènes (Duck) <>
Changed-By: Marc Dequènes (Duck) <>
 gnome-applets - Various applets for GNOME 2 panel - binary files
 gnome-applets-data - Various applets for GNOME 2 panel - data files
 gnome-applets-dbg - Various applets for GNOME 2 panel - binary files with debugging s
 gnome-applets-dev - Various applets for GNOME 2 panel - development files
Closes: 70456 82874 89940 89940 115732 173420 173545 184186 201984 207355 220796 233702 245142 247209 273429 280436 285331 285478 286125 286360 292349 292679 302733 304137 306871
 gnome-applets (2.10.1-3) unstable; urgency=low
   * Upload to unstable.
 gnome-applets (2.10.1-2) experimental; urgency=low
   * Get rid of buggy mc-install-default-macros ; made a .entries file to
     be loaded with gconftool-2 as replacement.
   * Added necessary Conflicts/Replaces/Provices for trashapplet to ease
     migration from Sarge (trashapplet is now included into applets)
     (Closes: #306871).
 gnome-applets (2.10.1-1) experimental; urgency=low
   * New upstream release
   * Mass build-depends and depends update (Closes: #292679).
   * Added Replaces/Conflicts/Provides on gnome-cpufreq-applet.
   * Now depending on gnome-icon-theme where several applet icons lies.
   * Defaulting to 'gstreamer0.8-alsa' dependency instead of
     'gstreamer0.8-oss' (OSS is DEPRECATED and must die).
   * Removed the following patches now included upstream :
     + 06_gweather_utf8.patch
     + 11_batstat_ui_fix.patch
   * Removed the following patches now obsolete :
     + 01_keep_keyprop.patch
     + 02_gkb_xmmap.patch
     + 03_modemlights_ppp_commands.patch
     + 07_inboxmonitor_ssl.patch
     + 10_batstat_transparent_background.patch
     + 12_buildsys_relibtoolized.patch
   * Regenerated patches :
     + 08_gweather_locations.patch
     + 09_drivemount_mediamount.patch
   * Removed obsolete Indian & Latvian language support files.
   * Fixed 'debian/gnome-keyboard-layout.xml' man page source typo
     (Closes: #302733).
   * Fixed in 2.10 branch :
     + gkb disables VT switching in XFree86 4.3 (Closes: #233702).
     + gweather: would be nice to show a moon during night-time clear sky
       (Closes: #201984).
     + include NYC Central Park (Closes: #304137).
     + xml parsing errors during upgrade (Closes: #286125).
     + gnome-keyboard-applet no longer show flag icon (flags removed)
       (Closes: #285478) (see the "NO Flags Policy" thread  : \
        msg00267.html )
   * Invalidated by major upstream changes :
     + mailcheck removed (Closes: #285331, #89940, #82874, #292349, #207355,
       #245142, #286360, #89940, #184186).
     + cdplayer removed (Closes: #280436).
     + wireless removed (no bugs).
     + modemlights rewritten (Closes: #247209, #273429, #220796, #115732,
     + drivemount rewritten (Closes: #70456, #173545).
   * Added 'gnome-applets-dbg.' binary package.
   * Renamed 'postinst' to 'gnome-applets.postinst'.
   * Added 'debian/README.Debian' with information about cpufreq applet
     SUID parameter.
   * Patch stolen from Ubuntu package (thanks to seb128's work) :
     + 05_battstat-icon.patch : patch from Ryan Lortie <> to
       fix some refresh issue with battstat.
     + 06_battstat-default.patch : changed the default configuration for the
       battstat applet (show battery activated by default).
     + 08_battstat-no-suspend.patch : disable the suspend-on-double-click,
       which is not yet working.
     + 13_stickynotes-docs-dupe-id.patch : documentation fix.
   * Reindexed patches.
   * Removed extra cleanup rules (buildsys has learned hygiene).
   * Fixed stupid cut-and-paste mistake in 'debian/copyright'.
   * Updated 'debian/watch'.
   * Temporarily reverted 'debian/control' generation to please ftpmasters
     before a real solution is found and accepted.
 c8d161ac300bae24e9ed8fe27552e360 2351 gnome optional gnome-applets_2.10.1-3.dsc
 0d3de4b667ed4793cef18221a19f33bb 19544 gnome optional gnome-applets_2.10.1-3.diff.gz
 ae4a8da9532608e52bd1e6c06b2d47d9 6574898 gnome optional gnome-applets-data_2.10.1-3_all.deb
 5db7b0c1c3955b03fa0f384b43d8f92d 386660 gnome optional gnome-applets_2.10.1-3_i386.deb
 bdb845efe8b1a2d8a0be1b2eee085d22 7470438 gnome optional gnome-applets-dbg_2.10.1-3_i386.deb
 23a2801801a850ff8b7881bea59b3368 88012 gnome optional gnome-applets-dev_2.10.1-3_i386.deb

Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)


  to pool/main/g/gnome-applets/gnome-applets-data_2.10.1-3_all.deb
  to pool/main/g/gnome-applets/gnome-applets-dbg_2.10.1-3_i386.deb
  to pool/main/g/gnome-applets/gnome-applets-dev_2.10.1-3_i386.deb
  to pool/main/g/gnome-applets/gnome-applets_2.10.1-3.diff.gz
  to pool/main/g/gnome-applets/gnome-applets_2.10.1-3.dsc
  to pool/main/g/gnome-applets/gnome-applets_2.10.1-3_i386.deb