Bug#313011: gnome-menus: no debian meny after 2.10 upgrade

Sebastien Bacher Sebastien Bacher <seb128@debian.org>, 313011@bugs.debian.org
Sat, 11 Jun 2005 14:16:27 +0200

Le samedi 11 juin 2005 =E0 15:01 +0300, Lior Kaplan a =E9crit :

> The Debian menu is far more comprehensive than the Gnome one, I think i=
> should appear in all desktops (GNOME, KDE ...).

That's your opinion. A lot of people think that it's too complicate (who
needs a "sh" or a "bash" entry for his desktop?). The Depends force
everybody to install it where a recommends make it optional (and
installed if you use aptitude by example), what's the issue to give the
choice to users instead of forcing them?


Sebastien BAcher