Bug#308974: marked as done (python2.3-gamin says "'module' object has no attribute 'engine_get_for_address'")

Debian Bug Tracking System owner@bugs.debian.org
Tue, 14 Jun 2005 03:33:18 -0700

Your message dated Tue, 14 Jun 2005 12:11:47 +0200
with message-id <20050614101147.GA22960@spring.luon.net>
and subject line Bug#308974: python2.3-gamin says "'module' object has no attribute 'engine_get_for_address'"
has caused the attached Bug report to be marked as done.

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If this is not the case it is now your responsibility to reopen the
Bug report if necessary, and/or fix the problem forthwith.

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talking about this indicates a serious mail system misconfiguration
somewhere.  Please contact me immediately.)

Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)

Received: (at submit) by bugs.debian.org; 13 May 2005 15:17:00 +0000
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Subject: python2.3-gamin says "'module' object has no attribute
From: Philippe Tonguet <philippe.tonguet@ext.cri74.org>
To: submit@bugs.debian.org
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Date: Fri, 13 May 2005 17:16:42 +0200
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Package: python2.3-gamin
Version: 0.0.26-1

I installed sabayon-0.17.tar.gz found at
I launch Sabayon and when I want to save, I have "'module' object has no attribute 'engine_get_for_address'".

$ sudo sabayon
(-> I change a key of gconf with gconf-editor)
(-> I click on the button "Save")
  Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/root/package-sabayon/sabayon-0.17/debian/sabayon/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/sabayon/monitorwindow.py", line 106, in __handle_save
  change.get_source ().commit_change (change, mandatory)
  File "/root/package-sabayon/sabayon-0.17/debian/sabayon/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/sabayon/sources/gconfsource.py", line 148, in commit_change
  (client, address) = self.get_committing_client_and_address (mandatory)
  File "/root/package-sabayon/sabayon-0.17/debian/sabayon/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/sabayon/sources/gconfsource.py", line 132, in get_committing_client_and_address
  (client, address) = get_client_and_address_for_path (os.path.join (self.home_dir, ".gconf.xml.defaults"))
  File "/root/package-sabayon/sabayon-0.17/debian/sabayon/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/sabayon/sources/gconfsource.py", line 59, in get_client_and_address_for_path
  engine = gconf.engine_get_for_address (address)
  AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'engine_get_for_address'

When I launch the debug, I have the following:

$ SABAYON_DEBUG=all sabayon
(23902) user-profile: Constructing profile from /tmp/profil.zip
(23902) storage: Creating profile '/tmp/profil.zip' from '/tmp/profil.zip'
(23902) user-profile: Loading modules from /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/sabayon/sources
(23902) user-profile: Loading module: gconfsource
(23902) user-profile: Loading module: filessource
(23902) user-profile: Loading module: mozillasource
(23902) user-profile: Loading module: paneldelegate
(23902) user-profile: Constructing object from loaded module using gconfsource.get_source
(23902) user-profile: Constructing object from loaded module using gconfsource.get_gconf_delegate
(23902) user-profile: Constructing object from loaded module using filessource.get_gconf_delegate
(23902) user-profile: Constructing object from loaded module using mozillasource.get_gconf_delegate
(23902) user-profile: Constructing object from loaded module using paneldelegate.get_gconf_delegate
(23902) user-profile: Constructing object from loaded module using filessource.get_source
(23902) user-profile: Constructing object from loaded module using gconfsource.get_files_delegate
(23902) user-profile: Constructing object from loaded module using filessource.get_files_delegate
(23902) user-profile: Constructing object from loaded module using mozillasource.get_files_delegate
(23902) mozilla-source: Delegate construction
(23902) user-profile: Constructing object from loaded module using paneldelegate.get_files_delegate
(23902) dir-monitor: Ignoring directories ['.metacity/sessions', '.gconf', '.gconf.xml.defaults', '.gconf.xml.mandatory', '.gconfd', '.nautilus/metafiles']
(23902) dir-monitor: Ignoring files ['.xsession-errors', '.gnome/gnome-vfs/.trash_entry_cache', '.gnome2/share/fonts/fonts.dir', '.gnome2/share/cursor-fonts/fonts.dir']
(23902) user-profile: Constructing object from loaded module using mozillasource.get_source
(23902) user-profile: Constructing object from loaded module using paneldelegate.get_source
(23902) user-profile: 2 sources loaded:
(23902) user-profile:   GConf
(23902) user-profile:   Files
(23902) user-profile: Starting monitoring
(23902) mozilla-source: start_monitoring:
(23902) mozilla-source: FirefoxProfilesIni.read() path = /home/toto/.mozilla/firefox/profiles.ini
(23902) mozilla-source: defaulting profile to the only choice
(23902) mozilla-source: FirefoxProfilesIni.load_profiles()
(23902) mozilla-source: FirefoxProfilesIni.load_profiles() pref=/home/toto/.firefox/default/2pxe2ud8.slt/prefs.js
(23902) mozilla-source: JavascriptPrefsFile: created (/home/toto/.firefox/default/2pxe2ud8.slt/prefs.js)
(23902) mozilla-source: read profile prefs (/home/toto/.firefox/default/2pxe2ud8.slt/prefs.js)
(23902) dir-monitor: Starting to recursively monitor '/home/toto'
(23902) dir-monitor: Ignoring directory '/home/toto/.gconfd'
(23902) dir-monitor: Ignoring file '/home/toto/.gnome2/share/fonts/fonts.dir'
(23902) dir-monitor: Ignoring file '/home/toto/.gnome2/share/cursor-fonts/fonts.dir'
(23902) dir-monitor: Ignoring directory '/home/toto/.metacity/sessions'
(23902) dir-monitor: Ignoring directory '/home/toto/.nautilus/metafiles'
(23902) dir-monitor: Ignoring directory '/home/toto/.gconf.xml.mandatory'
(23902) dir-monitor: Ignoring directory '/home/toto/.gconf.xml.defaults'
(23902) dir-monitor: Ignoring directory '/home/toto/.gconf'
(23902) dir-monitor: Ignoring file '/home/toto/.gnome/gnome-vfs/.trash_entry_cache'
(23902) dir-monitor: Ignoring file '/home/toto/.xsession-errors'
(23902) dir-monitor: Got gamin event 'created' on '/home/toto/.fonts.cache-1.TMP-Iprajf'
(23902) dir-monitor: Got gamin event 'changed' on '/home/toto/.fonts.cache-1.TMP-Iprajf'
(23902) dir-monitor: Got gamin event 'created' on '/home/toto/.fonts.cache-1.LCK'
(23902) dir-monitor: Got gamin event 'deleted' on '/home/toto/.fonts.cache-1.TMP-Iprajf'
(23902) dir-monitor: Got gamin event 'created' on '/home/toto/.fonts.cache-1.NEW'
(23902) dir-monitor: Got gamin event 'changed' on '/home/toto/.fonts.cache-1.NEW'
(23902) dir-monitor: Got gamin event 'deleted' on '/home/toto/.fonts.cache-1.NEW'
(23902) dir-monitor: Got gamin event 'changed' on '/home/toto/.fonts.cache-1'
(23902) files-source: Emitting event 'changed' on file '.fonts.cache-1'
(23902) dir-monitor: Got gamin event 'deleted' on '/home/toto/.fonts.cache-1.LCK'
(23902) dir-monitor: Got gamin event 'changed' on '/home/toto/debug_sabayon.txt'
(23902) files-source: Emitting event 'changed' on file 'debug_sabayon.txt'
(23902) dir-monitor: Got gamin event 'changed' on '/home/toto/.gnome2_private'
(23902) dir-monitor: Got gamin event 'created' on '/home/toto/.fonts.cache-1.TMP-NM29l5'
(23902) files-source: Emitting event 'created' on file '.fonts.cache-1.TMP-NM29l5'
(23902) dir-monitor: Got gamin event 'changed' on '/home/toto/.fonts.cache-1.TMP-NM29l5'
(23902) files-source: Emitting event 'changed' on file '.fonts.cache-1.TMP-NM29l5'
(23902) dir-monitor: Got gamin event 'created' on '/home/toto/.fonts.cache-1.LCK'
(23902) files-source: Emitting event 'created' on file '.fonts.cache-1.LCK'
(23902) dir-monitor: Got gamin event 'deleted' on '/home/toto/.fonts.cache-1.TMP-NM29l5'
(23902) dir-monitor: Got gamin event 'created' on '/home/toto/.fonts.cache-1.NEW'
(23902) files-source: Emitting event 'created' on file '.fonts.cache-1.NEW'
(23902) dir-monitor: Got gamin event 'changed' on '/home/toto/.fonts.cache-1.NEW'
(23902) dir-monitor: Got gamin event 'deleted' on '/home/toto/.fonts.cache-1.NEW'
(23902) dir-monitor: Got gamin event 'changed' on '/home/toto/.fonts.cache-1'
(23902) files-source: Emitting event 'changed' on file '.fonts.cache-1'
(23902) dir-monitor: Got gamin event 'deleted' on '/home/toto/.fonts.cache-1.LCK'
(23902) dir-monitor: Got gamin event 'changed' on '/home/toto/.gconfd'
(23902) dir-monitor: Ignoring directory '/home/toto/.gconfd'
(23902) gconf-source: Got GConf notification on '/apps/gnome-session/options/show_splash_screen'
(23902) gconf-source: Got GConf notification on '/apps/gnome-session/options/show_splash_screen'
(23902) admin-tool: Selected: /apps/gnome-session/options/show_splash_screen
(23902) admin-tool: Selected: .fonts.cache-1
(23902) admin-tool: Selected: .fonts.cache-1.NEW
(23902) admin-tool: Selected: .fonts.cache-1.LCK
(23902) admin-tool: Selected: .fonts.cache-1.TMP-NM29l5
(23902) admin-tool: Selected: debug_sabayon.txt
(23902) admin-tool: Committing: /apps/gnome-session/options/show_splash_screen, mandatory = True
(23902) user-profile: Syncing all committed changes to disk
(23902) gconf-source: Shutting down gconfd in order to sync changes to disk
(23902) storage: Reading metadata from '/tmp/profil.zip'
(23902) storage: No changes to profile '/tmp/profil.zip' need saving

I am using Debian GNU/Linux 2.2, kernel 2.4.

Received: (at 308974-done) by bugs.debian.org; 14 Jun 2005 10:12:00 +0000
>From sjoerd@spring.luon.net Tue Jun 14 03:12:00 2005
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Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2005 12:11:47 +0200
From: Sjoerd Simons <sjoerd@spring.luon.net>
To: Philippe Tonguet <philippe.tonguet@ext.cri74.org>
Cc: 308974-done@bugs.debian.org
Subject: Re: Bug#308974: python2.3-gamin says "'module' object has no attribute 'engine_get_for_address'"
Message-ID: <20050614101147.GA22960@spring.luon.net>
References: <1115997402.14963.48.camel@ptonguet> <20050613191131.GA10479@spring.luon.net> <1118741947.550.5.camel@ptonguet>
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On Tue, Jun 14, 2005 at 11:39:07AM +0200, Philippe Tonguet wrote:
> Le lundi 13 juin 2005 =E0 21:11 +0200, Sjoerd Simons a =E9crit :
> > On Fri, May 13, 2005 at 05:16:42PM +0200, Philippe Tonguet wrote:
> > > Package: python2.3-gamin
> > > Version: 0.0.26-1
> > >=20
> > > I installed sabayon-0.17.tar.gz found at
> > > http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/sabayon/
> > > I launch Sabayon and when I want to save, I have "'module' object h=
as no attribute 'engine_get_for_address'".
> >=20
> > Does this still happen with the gamin 0.1.1 packages ?
> I have just resolv the problem. It was not from this package, it was
> from the package python2.3-gnome2.

Okay, closing the bug.

You may be marching to the beat of a different drummer, but you're
still in the parade.