Bug#300151: gweather: Stops trying to fetch weather after first
Marc Dequènes (Duck)
Marc Dequènes (Duck) ,
Fri, 18 Mar 2005 03:05:46 +0100
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"Michal J. Gajda" <misiek@genesilico.pl> writes:
> Package: gnome-applets
> Version: 2.10.0-0ubuntu2
> Severity: normal
Please note here is Debian, not Ubuntu. These two are closely related
but bugs may not be always the same as GNOME 2.10 is in Ubuntu, but not
yet in Debian.
Nevertheless, i'm ok to solve problems as long as they are not Ubuntu
specific, and this one seems to be 2.8 branch related (or even earlier).
> The program should not stop trying to fetch data after first failure.
> Steps to reproduce:
> 1. Switch autoupdate every 15 minutes.
> 2. Disconnect from the network.
> 3. Wait until program shows "question mark" for 30 minutes.
> 4. Connect to network again.
> 5. Question mark will remain forever.
I'll try to reproduce (later, i need network by now).
> It would be also nice, if previously fetched data would NOT disappear
> when it is updated... It is best approximation of "current" weather
> anyway ;-), and the date of last update can be printed with this data
> (on click).
Many people would say it is not a good approximation if many hours have
passed, and moreover argue it is hiding the problem as one may not be
looking at details very often.
Marc Dequ=C3=A8nes (Duck)
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