Bug#305480: marked as done (libgtop2: try to not break API/ABI compatibility)

Debian Bug Tracking System owner@bugs.debian.org
Mon, 02 May 2005 06:33:10 -0700

Your message dated Mon, 02 May 2005 15:26:37 +0200
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Debian bug tracking system administrator
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Package: libgtop2
Severity: wishlist

Please, try to not break API/ABI compatibility in future libgtop2
versions. It's a pain having a new library that conflicts with the old
one and needs to recompile all the packages that use libgtop2.

Just take gtk+2 as an example. They haven't broken API/ABI compatibility
since gtk+-2.0. Sure they add new functions but don't break already
established API/ABI.

Some interesting documents about the subject:
Preserving Backward Compatibility http://www.onlamp.com/lpt/a/5626
Parallel Installation http://www106.pair.com/rhp/parallel.html

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Subject: Re: Bug#305480: libgtop2: try to not break API/ABI compatibility
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Le mercredi 20 avril 2005 =E0 09:04 +0000, ROBERTOJIMENOCA a =E9crit :
> Package: libgtop2
> Severity: wishlist
> Please, try to not break API/ABI compatibility in future libgtop2


Nothing to do with the distribution, that's an upstream decision. I've
already argued with the upstream maintainer about this, according to him
that's not possible to work with libgtop without breaking the ABI. I'm
closing the bug here, feel free to argue upstream.


Sebastien Bacher