Bug#307206: gnome-panel crashes on startup after libc6 downgrade
Vaidotas Zemlys
Vaidotas Zemlys <v.zemlys@post.skynet.lt>, 307206@bugs.debian.org
Mon, 02 May 2005 16:32:29 +0300
> panel was built using unstable libc6, and is working for several
> persons (thus not grave but important).
It's your call anyway.
> Could you check your gnome packages for one linking to libc6 version in
> experimental ?
I've upgraded to experimental libc6 and gnome-panel is working again. So
this is probably a bug of libc6. Yet it is strange that only nautilus
and gnome-panel are affected by this downgrade, all my other apps did
not react in any way.
Vaidotas Zemlys