Bug#269792: marked as done (fails to move inbox across partition
Debian Bug Tracking System
Sat, 07 May 2005 17:18:05 -0700
Your message dated Sat, 12 Feb 2005 00:03:27 +0100
with message-id <200502120003.28172.siward@wanadoo.nl>
and subject line fails to move inbox across partition boundary
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Debian bug tracking system administrator
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Received: (at submit) by bugs.debian.org; 3 Sep 2004 14:21:10 +0000
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Date: Fri, 3 Sep 2004 16:21:07 +0200
From: Siward de Groot <siward@wanadoo.nl>
To: "B. Bunny" <bugs@debian.org>
Subject: fails to move inbox across partition boundary
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Package: balsa
Version: 2.0.17-2
Severity: normal
Title : fails to move inbox across partition boundary
I have several linux OS's, each on it's own partition,
and wanted to have mailboxes on yet another partition
that is mounted by each of linux's.
Trying to change inbox
from /var/mail/xuser
to /my/mail/inbox
by editing alsa::menu::mailbox::edit::mailboxpath
failed with errormessage :
'Rename of /var/mail/inbox to /my/mail/inbox/ failed: \
invalid cross-debvice link'
When new and old filename are on separate partitions,
instead of a rename,
new mailbox must be created,
contents of old mailbox copied to it,
and old mailbox deleted
(this also works when both are on same partition ofcourse).
I "solved" this by editing ~/.gnome2/balsa file (iirc),
which resulted in 2 [view]s for inbox,
which did not have same options in ~/. file,
so i kept both.
Opening inbox and then dragging a message to other view of inbox
duplicated message first time i did it.
Third time it crashed balsa.
I'm not filing a separate bugreport about this,
as bts has no package called 'siward', unfortunately :-).
(a pointer to syntax and meaning of [view] would be nice though).
Alsa also crashed 2 times when i was trying to get it to use new inbox,
by using menu::preferences, menu::mailbox::edit,
and menu::mailbox::delete
I was shown a window that gave me option to
'report this to developers' or restart,
and as it did not say to simply send coredumpfile named *.core
that could be found in directory ???
as an e-mail attachment to you,
i chose restart.
Perhaps it would be a good idea / a great nuisance
to change text of popup ?
have fun,
aargh! a superfluous word !
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From: Siward de Groot <siward@wanadoo.nl>
Organization: org
To: Andrew Lau <netsnipe@users.sourceforge.net>
Subject: Re: fails to move inbox across partition boundary
Date: Sat, 12 Feb 2005 00:03:27 +0100
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On Wednesday 02 February 2005 14:05, you wrote:
| On Fri, Sep 03, 2004 at 04:21:07PM +0200, Siward de Groot wrote:
| > Package: balsa
| > Version: 2.0.17-2
| > Severity: normal
| >
| > Title : fails to move inbox across partition boundary
| >
| So what would you like me to do about this bug report? Does it still
| affect Balsa 2.2.x?
I don't know whether it affects 2.2.x ,
and i don't have time to experiment with my mail system now.
Also i am probably the only one who wants cross-partition mailboxes,
so please feel free to close this bug.
have fun !