Bug#309157: gnome-applets: stickynotes applet loses data when
drive is full
Marc Dequènes (Duck)
Marc Dequènes (Duck) <Duck@DuckCorp.org>, 309157@bugs.debian.org
Sun, 15 May 2005 05:37:30 +0200
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severity 309157 important
Robert McQueen <robot101@debian.org> writes:
> Package: gnome-applets
> Version: 2.8.2-1
> Severity: grave
> Justification: causes non-serious data loss
> In the stickynotes_save() function in stickynotes/stickynotes.c, the
> xmlSaveFormatFile function is called without checking its return value.
> As detailed in http://xmlsoft.org/html/libxml-tree.html#xmlSaveFormatFile,
> this function returns -1 if writing the file was unsuccessful. It
> should write the new file out to a temporary file alongside the existing
> one, and if and only if this was successful, rename() it to the actual
> name. Otherwise if the writing fails, the notes file can be truncated and=
> the old copy of the notes are lost as well as the changes being written.
> I've just lost my todo list sticky note...
It is sad, but having one of the many applets being able to loose data in
an infrequent situation is not to be a RC bug, thus downgrading
As you found where the bug lie, i would be thankful if you could you
provide me with a patch ; i'm quite busy these days. (please keep it as
small as possible, so i may be able to push it into sarge).
Marc Dequ=C3=A8nes (Duck)
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