Bug#308825: ,gdm logins fail to start sessions
Ryan Murray
Ryan Murray <rmurray@debian.org>, 308825@bugs.debian.org
Tue, 17 May 2005 11:41:01 -0700
On Tue, May 17, 2005 at 12:49:30PM -0500, Jay Kline wrote:
> Alexander Sack wrote:
> | I did not found any hints on this in the bug report, so maybe it's
> worth asking:
> |
> | You see any unexpected messages in dmesg or any system logs? Are there any
> | errors in /var/log/XFree86.0.log?
> No, nothing of the sort. However, I am starting to lean towrads
> libnss-ldap being the issue. Bug #302296
Ahh, you didn't mention this! There is/was an ABI conflict between the two,
which would cause this. I can't find the bug atm, but this will be the problem.
Either two libdbs, two libgnutls's, or something of that nature which then
causes the gdm process to segfault. Last time I followed up on it, the
maintainer of the conflicting package didn't want to change ABI before sarge,
so this combination just won't work.